Max, How come one of my brothers' unmentionables smells SO much better than everybody else's? We all eat the same, so shouldn't all our bums smell the same?

Well, you know, I think we leech out a little of our inner beauty, and it's got to exit somewhere, so it comes out in breath, farts, and poop (don't worry, you won't leech it all out and suddenly become all dark and ugly feeds on itself.) Now, if your inner beauty isn't all that gorgeous, there's gonna be some foulness tinged in there. That's all right, it doesn't mean that kitty is a bad just means they got a little ook latched onto their inner beauty and it's coming out.

That explains a lot about Buddah...he's loaded with ook and OMG he stinks. Since I poop out sunshine and rainbows, mine is quite nice, and I smell wonderful. All over.



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