Hi Max, We took Shadow, our senior cat to the stabby place for a checkup. When we got home, our junior cat, Pepper, hissed and growled at her as if she was a stranger invading her house. Can you help me understand what is going on?

This is actually quite simple. The stabby place is a horrible place that comes with an assortment if really disgusting smells, one of which is the Stabby Guy himself. And when he handles a kitty, he rubs that disgusting funk all over the kitty, and I think he does it intentionally, because he knows it's going to take the kitty at least a week to lick it all off, and then another week to get the foul taste out of his mouth.

Well, when you brought Shadow home, Pepper could smell all the nasty Stabby Guy Funk, which smells like Death rolled in a steamy pile of Stabby Poop and then coated it with Dog Stink...and trust me, if you could smell that, you'd get all hissy, too.

The best thing for all involved is to give both Shadow and Pepper lots and lots of their favorite crunchy treats, and apologize profusely for allowing it to happen in the first place. Oh, and then give them some more treats, just because.


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