When Buddah was brought home, what kind of cooties did he give you (unintentionally, of course) that almost killed you?

He gave me the upper respiratory infection from H-E-L-L! I got a head full of snot, then a throat full of snot, then a chest full of snot. My pancreas went all wonky (and I was on drugs for that for FIVE YEARS, or maybe just two), I couldn't eat AT ALL for a long time and then it was slow getting back to getting food in me, I coughed and hacked and threw up, and then they gave me a drug that, doods, it gave me MACHINE GUN POOP! Seriously! I mean, it was fast and furious, and like grab the edge of the litterbox or you're gonna hit orbit kind of thing.

If I hadn't started eating again when I did, I probably wouldn't have lasted much longer. I was really, really sick (no exaggeration here...) Buddah, the little monster, was sick but got over it really fast.


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