When you put two socks in the wash and only get one back, where does the other one go?

This is a conundrum, because I don't wear socks so I never lose any in the dryer. However, I've given it a lot of thought and done a TON of research, and this is what I can only conclude:

Every time a People does a load of laundry, the dryer eats one sock as an offering to Laundry Cat. He's Ceiling Cat's lesser brother. Since your people likely have lots of sicks, this shouldn't matter to them. Plus, when your dryer has eaten enough socks as an offering, you get back a pair of silky black panties or a lacy bra, though this only seems to happen to human males and for some reason the dryer only gives them when his female companion is taking the laundry out of the dryer.


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