Respond Hey, Max...we like to sleep on the bed with our humans at night. But we're always getting kicked by them during the night as they move around while they sleep. How can we get them to stop kicking us and let us get some sleep?

Sleep on their heads. They can't kick with their heads. You have to let them roll over every once in a while, but it's a safe place to be at night. Plus, you keep them nice and warm this way, so they should be highly appreciative of your innovation in sleeping there.

Alternately, sleep on their chests or their backs, whichever is most accessible. They might whine about being pinned down, but they get used to it. It's really fun when they don't expect it and wake up at 4 am with the crushing pressure on their chests...they get very excited about that feeling, especially if you've managed to wedge a foot against the nerves in their left arm and it goes to sleep. That's really fun.


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