What big brother advice do you give to Max?

Hmmm...this is difficult to answer sine I am Max, but I think the big brother advice I would give to someone else is to stand your ground when it's important, and to let it go when it isn't. There's usually enough crunchies to go around so you don't have to keep the other kitty from them, and there are usually enough head skritches to go around, so sharing the people isn't as hard as it seems.

But little brothers need advice, too, and to them I would say Stop being a butthead! Sheesh, just chill and respect the territory lines. AND DON'T TRY TO RIDE THE BIG KITTY LIKE A PONY!!! Really.


Beau said...

I think they probably meant big brother advice to Buddah...I think...who knows actually...maybe it was a nipped out cat.

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